Leave Year

Short Answer
Leave Year is like a special calendar for workers to use their holiday time given by the company, usually lasting from April to March or January to December.
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A Leave Year refers to the period during which employees are entitled to utilise their paid leave quota.

The specifics of the leave year can vary between organisations, with common periods being:

  • 1st April to 31st March
  • 1st January to 31st December

Key points to consider regarding a leave year:

  • Employees receive a set number of paid leaves within this time frame.
  • The leave quota can vary depending on the company's policy and employee level.
  • Many companies allow unused leaves to be carried forward to the next leave year, subject to policy limits.

By clearly defining the leave year, companies help employees plan time off, improving overall well-being and productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How is the number of paid leaves determined for each employee within a leave year?

A. The company usually determines the leave quota based on an employee's role, level, and years of service.

Q. Are there any restrictions or limitations on carrying forward unused leaves?

A. Many companies allow carrying forward a limited number of unused leaves, but it depends on their specific policies.

Q. What happens if an employee leaves the company before the end of the leave year—are unused leaves compensated?

A. Companies often compensate for unused paid leaves when an employee resigns, but this depends on the organisation's policies.

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