Paid Leave

Short Answer
Paid leave is like taking a school break but still getting your allowance. HRs let employees take time off while keeping their salary for rest or personal needs.
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Paid leave is the time an employee takes off from work while still receiving their salary. It is typically granted for various personal, medical, or family-related reasons and is a statutory right in most organisations.

The specific number of paid leave days an employee is entitled to can vary by company and is often outlined in the company’s leave policy.

Types of Paid Leave

  • Casual Leave: For short-term personal needs or emergencies.
  • Sick Leave: For health-related issues or medical recovery.
  • Maternity/Paternity Leave: For childbirth and postnatal care.
  • Privileged or Earned Leave: Accumulated based on tenure, usually for longer vacations.

Each organisation sets its own leave structure, with paid leave typically ranging from 12 to 40 days annually.

Paid leave policies are designed to support work-life balance, reduce burnout, and enhance employee satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How is paid leave calculated for part-time or contractual employees?

A. Paid leave for part-time or contractual employees is usually prorated based on their working hours and employment terms.

Q. Can unused paid leave be carried over to the next year or encashed?

A. Some companies allow leave carryover or encashment, depending on their policies. It's best to check with your employer for specific rules.

Q. What happens if an employee exhausts all their paid leave days but needs more time off?

A. If paid leave is exhausted, employees can often apply for unpaid leave or other types of leave, based on the company’s policies.

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