Restricted Holiday

Short Answer
A restricted holiday is like a bonus day off an employee can use to celebrate a personal or cultural event, while still getting paid. Offices remain open, and it's an optional choice not forced by the company or the government.
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A restricted holiday, often called an optional holiday, is a type of leave that employees can choose to take on specific days, based on their personal or religious preferences.

These holidays are not compulsory, meaning offices and businesses remain open. Employees may select a limited number of restricted holidays from a pre-determined list provided by their company or the government.

Key Features of Restricted Holidays

  • Optional Leave: Employees can decide whether to take the day off.
  • Cultural Flexibility: Often aligned with religious or regional festivals, such as Raksha Bandhan, Eid, or Pongal.
  • Paid Leave: Employees retain their pay while on restricted holidays.
  • Non-disruptive: Offices do not close for restricted holidays, unlike public holidays.
  • Annual Limit: There is a cap on the number of restricted holidays an employee can avail of within a year, generally specified in the company’s leave policy.


In most cases, all employees, including government servants, are eligible to avail of restricted holidays. However, private companies may differ in their policies and are not required to offer such holidays unless stated in their leave policy.

Carrying Forward Restricted Holidays

Policies regarding whether restricted holidays can be carried over to the next year vary by company.

Some organisations allow unused restricted holidays to be carried forward, while others require that they be utilised within the year.

Differences Between Restricted Holidays and Gazetted Holidays

  • Restricted Holidays: Optional, based on personal choice, often linked to cultural or religious events.
  • Gazetted Holidays: Mandatory holidays declared by the government, observed by all employees, and applicable to both public and private sectors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What is the maximum number of restricted holidays an employee can take?

A. Most companies allow up to two restricted holidays per year, though this number may vary depending on the organisation’s leave policy.

Q. Are restricted holidays region-specific?

A. Yes, restricted holidays can vary by region, depending on the local cultural and religious practices.

Q. Do offices remain open on restricted holidays?

A. Yes, businesses and offices remain operational on restricted holidays, as they are optional for employees.

Q. How does an employee apply for a restricted holiday?

A. Employees typically apply for a restricted holiday through their company’s leave portal or by informing HR. It is important to seek approval in advance to ensure proper planning. The process can vary by company, but most have a formal request system in place.

Q. What happens if multiple employees take a restricted holiday on the same day?

A. If many employees take leave on the same day, companies plan ahead to avoid disruption. Managers often review leave applications to ensure smooth operations. Therefore, it’s important to coordinate with team members when requesting leave.

Q. Can a restricted holiday be taken at any time, or does it need to be pre-approved?

A. Restricted holidays usually need pre-approval from management. This ensures business continuity and allows companies to plan accordingly. However, in rare cases, companies may allow last-minute leave requests, depending on urgency.

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