Peer Appraisal

Short Answer
Peer appraisal is like asking your classmates how well you did in group projects. HRs use coworker feedback to assess an employee’s performance and teamwork.
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Peer appraisal is a method of performance evaluation where employees review their co-workers.

This feedback system aims to assess and enhance an employee’s performance through the perspective of their peers.

Typically, peer appraisal is conducted within the same team, excluding managers and supervisors. It fosters transparency and helps create a balanced review process.

Types of Peer Appraisal

  • Single blind appraisal: The employee being reviewed does not know who the reviewer is.
  • Open peer appraisal: Both the employee and the reviewer are aware of each other's identities during or after the review.
  • Collaborative peer appraisal: Two or more peers collaborate to submit a joint performance appraisal for the employee.

Advantages of Peer Appraisal

  • Increases review accuracy Peer feedback provides a more holistic view of performance by focusing on day-to-day interactions and achievements, which may be overlooked by higher management.
  • Promotes accountability Employees become more accountable for their actions as they receive feedback from colleagues, motivating them to improve their performance in the areas highlighted by their peers.
  • Encourages recognition Peer reviews can spotlight individuals whose efforts might be overlooked by management, leading to better recognition within the team.
  • Strengthens team cohesion Regular peer feedback nurtures a culture of openness, trust, and transparency, which in turn boosts team morale and collaboration.


Peer appraisals help create a more dynamic and inclusive performance review system by involving employees in the feedback process.

This approach not only improves personal accountability but also strengthens team relationships, making it a valuable tool for organisational success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How frequently should peer appraisals be conducted for maximum effectiveness?

A. Peer appraisals should be conducted quarterly or biannually. This frequency allows regular feedback, helping employees adjust and improve their performance throughout the year.

Q. What criteria or metrics should be used during a peer appraisal to ensure fair and constructive feedback?

A. Criteria should focus on collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills. Including specific examples and clear performance metrics ensures balanced and constructive feedback.

Q. How should a company address conflicts or biases in peer appraisals to maintain objectivity?

A. Companies can address biases by offering training on fair assessments. Encouraging multiple peer reviews and keeping feedback anonymous can also reduce conflicts and personal biases.

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