One-on-One Meeting

Short Answer
A manager and employee have a private chat to discuss performance and goals.
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A one-on-one meeting is a private, regular interaction between a manager and their employee.

Typically conducted weekly or biweekly, these meetings allow both parties to exchange updates, discuss challenges, share feedback, and align on goals.

They serve as a structured platform to ensure open communication, address concerns, and foster professional growth.


The key purpose of one-on-one meetings is to create a space for constructive dialogue. These meetings help managers offer guidance, recognise achievements, and address areas of improvement.

They also empower employees to voice their concerns, seek support, and provide feedback on management practices.

Therefore, they build trust, boost morale, and strengthen the working relationship between managers and team members.


One-on-one meetings offer several advantages, including:

  • Improved Engagement: Employees feel valued and heard, leading to higher morale and motivation.
  • Clearer Communication: These meetings ensure that updates, goals, and feedback are communicated effectively, reducing misunderstandings.
  • Personalised Feedback: Managers can provide targeted feedback, helping employees understand their performance and areas for development.
  • Proactive Problem-Solving: Regular discussions enable early identification and resolution of issues or conflicts.
  • Goal Tracking: Ongoing meetings help keep track of individual and team progress, ensuring alignment with organisational objectives.

Preparation for One-on-One Meetings

Effective one-on-one meetings require preparation from both parties. Consider the following steps:

  • Define Objectives: Establish the goals for the meeting in advance.
  • Set the Agenda: List the topics or questions to be discussed to keep the meeting focused.
  • Review Past Meetings: Summarise previous discussions to ensure continuity.
  • Gather Information: Bring relevant data or reports for informed decision-making.
  • Choose the Setting: Select a quiet, private space for the meeting to encourage open communication.

Tips for Conducting Effective One-on-One Meetings

For managers and employees alike, following these tips can enhance the effectiveness of one-on-one meetings:

  • Active Listening: Managers should listen attentively to employee concerns and feedback without interruptions.
  • Encourage Participation: Employees should feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and challenges.
  • Honesty and Openness: Both parties should engage in transparent and sincere communication.
  • Set Actionable Next Steps: Conclude the meeting with clear follow-up tasks to ensure accountability.

One-on-one meetings, when conducted effectively, can foster a positive work environment, encourage continuous growth, and align efforts towards shared goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How long should a typical one-on-one meeting last?

A. A one-on-one meeting should ideally last between 30 minutes to an hour. This duration provides enough time for meaningful discussion without dragging on. However, it can be shorter depending on the agenda.

Q. How often should one-on-one meetings be held?

A. Weekly or biweekly meetings are common because they ensure regular updates. However, the frequency depends on the team’s workload, the employee’s role, and the manager’s availability. Adjusting based on individual needs is important.

Q. What tools or platforms can be used to document and track one-on-one meetings?

A. Tools like Google Docs, Trello, or Notion help track one-on-one meetings. They are useful because they allow for easy documentation of agendas, notes, and action items.

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