
Short Answer
Think of a college student in Pune working in an office to learn and gain experience. Interns help with tasks and learn about the job.
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An intern is a trainee, often a recent graduate, who joins a company to gain practical experience under expert supervision.

Internships are usually temporary, providing hands-on learning without the expectation of significant responsibility.

  • Purpose: To learn and apply academic knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Duration: Typically short-term, ranging from a few weeks to several months.
  • Compensation: Some internships are unpaid, but many companies offer stipends or salaries to attract and motivate interns.
  • Opportunities: Interns may secure full-time roles within the same company after completing their internship.
  • Fields: Internships span across industries such as architecture, healthcare, design, media, journalism, and technology.

Interns gain valuable exposure to the working environment, allowing them to understand business operations and develop professional skills, which can be pivotal for their career growth.

While the workload may be light, the experience lays a strong foundation for future employment opportunities.

Plum simplifies healthcare access through a digital-first approach, making it easier for companies to manage benefits, including those for interns, ensuring both health and financial security.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What are the typical qualifications required to become an intern?

A. Most interns are recent graduates or students nearing the end of their studies. Companies usually look for relevant academic backgrounds, and some practical experience like projects or internships helps. However, many industries focus on eagerness to learn, which is why students from various fields can apply.

Q. How do companies select interns, and what is the recruitment process like?

A. The process often mirrors full-time job applications. Candidates submit resumes, attend interviews, and sometimes complete tasks or projects. Selection criteria vary based on the company, but they often focus on adaptability, willingness to learn, and the ability to collaborate effectively.

Q. Are there any legal protections or guidelines for interns in India, especially regarding compensation and work conditions?

A. India lacks comprehensive laws on internships, so many terms depend on company policies. However, interns should expect clear communication regarding compensation, working hours, and responsibilities. It’s important for companies to maintain fair practices, ensuring a positive and educational experience for interns.

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